3G Failover now available

Many small business rely on ADSL for their internet connection.  With the limited availability and high cost of alternative solutions ADSL has become the standard for Internet connectivity for small businesses, but is ADSL adequate?

Techtron has been offering a managed firewall for small and medium business for many years.  Due to the increased reliance in cloud services and the strain on the ADSL infrastructure, many business are complaining about the speed and reliability of their current ADSL connection.

With the announcement of 40Mbps ADSL you may be thinking the answer is just around the corner.  This would be a great simple solution, however its been months since the announcement and the rollout has been less than promising.  To Date we do not have a single client who has been able to upgrade to 40Mbps.

Therefore Techtron has decided to offer all its clients running the Techtron Managed Firewall a 3G failover option.  This allows for business to continue to operate even during ADSL outages.  With the recent reduction in 3G bandwidth prices, we now believe 3G offers a great value proposition as a failover solution for small business.

For more information on Techtron’s 3G failover service please give us a call.