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Featured image for “Cloud Backup is NOT the solution”

Cloud Backup is NOT the solution

We hear it all the time, move your backups to the cloud and it will solve everything. We have been sold cloud backups as the silver bullet but is this actually true? What are they not telling you! Cloud backups are a great improvement in backup technology, especially for smaller companies who don’t have multiple offices and redundant infrastructure, but...
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Featured image for “Vendor Security Audit”

Vendor Security Audit

In today’s digital age, protecting your company’s sensitive information from leaks and internet crimes is crucial. If you’ve been experiencing such issues, it might be time to consider a vendor security audit. But what exactly does that entail, and why is it so important? A vendor security audit involves a thorough examination of your company’s digital infrastructure by a team...
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Featured image for “4 Reasons to Use a Cloud-based Data Backup Solution”

4 Reasons to Use a Cloud-based Data Backup Solution

A company should consider cloud-based data backup solutions for cost-effectiveness, as they remove the need to buy infrastructure and only charge for used space. Cloud backups offer scalability, high reliability with guaranteed uptime in SLAs, and superior disaster recovery with off-site redundancy, enabling easy data restoration online....
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Featured image for “10 Tips to Help Small Businesses Get Ready for the Unexpected”

10 Tips to Help Small Businesses Get Ready for the Unexpected

What would you do if your business suffered a ransomware attack tomorrow? Do you have a contingency plan in case of a tornado, hurricane, or earthquake? The unexpected can happen anytime, and small businesses can get hit particularly hard. Small businesses are the backbone of many economies. They are critical for job creation, innovation, and community development. But running a...
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Featured image for “7 Apps That Can Help You Improve Customer Experience in 2023”

7 Apps That Can Help You Improve Customer Experience in 2023

Paying attention to your customer experience directly impacts your bottom line. Companies that are “customer-centric” are 60% more profitable than those that aren’t. In this digital age, customers also expect more from those they do business with. In today’s world, people can order something on their phones and see it on their doorstep the next day. Keeping up with expectations...
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Featured image for “4 Interesting Cloud Storage Trends to Watch for in 2022”

4 Interesting Cloud Storage Trends to Watch for in 2022

One area of cloud computing that is used widely, but often isn’t as flashy as the software side is cloud storage. Storing files in the cloud to make them easily accessible and shareable from anywhere was one of the very first uses of the cloud that was adopted widely by many users. As advances like automation and AI come to...
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