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Adaptive Security Architecture

The more we become immersed in the digital space, the more we are exposed to security threats, and businesses become vulnerable to cyberattacks. We have seen the repercussions of worldwide cyberattacks like WannaCry ransomware; and it probably does not help that there seem to be multitudes of malicious malware produced each time a company augments their security measures. Thus, we...
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4 Emerging Security Technologies

Call it a cat and mouse game or digital terror; but we know the ransomware and malware that have been developed and circulated by black hats are becoming more and more robust. The unfortunate truth is that this battle does not only exist in the realm of the black hats and white hats; it’s a tug of war that tarnishes...
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PnP Bitcoin Trial

Pick n Pay has collaborated with Luno and Electrum to pilot the Bitcoin payment programme. The PnP Bitcoin trial took place last month at Pick and Pay’s head office store in Cape Town. This trial was the first of its kind; and it is without a doubt that Pick and Pay is now a tech pioneer in the retail industry....
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Edge Computing – The Imminent Computing Future

We are on the brink of change. While most of processing is facilitated by things like CPUs and cloud computing; this technology is about to become accessible to the general population. With the creation of innovative devices like wearables, drones and self-driving cars, the closer we are to complete use of edge computing. This change, however, is not new. We’ve...
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Techtron helps improve effectiveness and efficiencies for on-the-go employees with Mobile Device Management

Techtron, based in Cape Town and focussing on Premium IT Support Solutions has expanded their service offerings to their clients with the roll-out of Mobile Device Management.  As today’s IT service management solutions need to account for mobile devices and on-the-go employees. This means you need solid mobile device management software that lets them be more productive by using their preferred...
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