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Featured image for “Zoom security bug lets attackers steal Windows passwords”

Zoom security bug lets attackers steal Windows passwords

Zoom, the video conferencing software that’s skyrocketed in popularity as much of the globe sits at home due to the coronavirus outbreak, is quickly turning into a privacy and security nightmare. BleepingComputer reports about a newly found vulnerability in Zoom that allows an attacker to steal Windows login credentials from other users. The problem lies with the way Zoom’s chat...
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Featured image for “South Africa’s new data privacy laws – Update”

South Africa’s new data privacy laws – Update

Update: The South Africa’s Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) was meant to come into effect from 1 April 2020. This date has been pushed back due to the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, and no new date has been set as yet.   The Act concerns the processing of personal information by companies and other agents, introducing a...
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Featured image for “Massive increase in South African network attacks”

Massive increase in South African network attacks

The sudden increase in the number of people working remotely has some security knock on effects. Kaspersky statistics show that a major spike in network attacks took place in South Africa last week. According to these statistics, affected devices increased from 20,000-30,000 to about 310,000 in the period spanning from 15 – 21 March. “The region is seeing an increase...
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Featured image for “Every Possible Reason to Migrate to Windows Server 2019, in a Nut-Shell”

Every Possible Reason to Migrate to Windows Server 2019, in a Nut-Shell

It is not often that the IT infrastructure is even touched, due to the disruption caused by such projects. This sometimes leaves hardware deployed for decades. With Windows Server 2016 being relatively young, one would question the need to change to Server 2019 – we might have the answers needed to brave the migration. Slower migration habits on the server...
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Featured image for “Windows 7 Has Reached its EOL – But it Hasn’t Been Laid to Rest… Yet”

Windows 7 Has Reached its EOL – But it Hasn’t Been Laid to Rest… Yet

Windows 7 reached such popularity that it took Windows 10 FOUR years to pass it in market shares. We are well aware that even today, Windows 7 is still being used by millions of users, making up roughly 26% of the chosen operating system on PCs. Microsoft attempted changing this, even offering free upgrades to Windows 10, but this didn’t...
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Skype for Business Online is retiring

As Microsoft Teams has become the core communications client for Office 365, we are announcing that Skype for Business Online will retire on 31 July 2021. After that time, the Skype for Business Online service will no longer be accessible or supported. For additional details and resources for planning your upgrade to Teams, read our blog post.    ...
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New Feature: Enhanced scheduling experience in Teams

Microsoft is updating Teams with an enhanced scheduling experience. The feature will be rolled out in mid-February 2020. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 54364. How does this affect you Microsoft are replacing the existing scheduling form with a new form that retains all existing scheduling functionality. The new form provides an improved view of available time;...
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Featured image for “We Just Survived The Craziest Tech-Ade of Our Time”

We Just Survived The Craziest Tech-Ade of Our Time

Software ownership died, Spaceflight lived and well, net neutrality lived AND died… Wow what a decade! We began 2010 with a massive wave of optimism and of course, connection [FACEBOOK], but all was timeously wiped out by tribalism [FACEBOOK]. There were trolls of every kind, weeping over net neutrality victims and an unblinking eye of digital surveillance. These are undoubtedly...
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Featured image for “Here’s Why You Need a Scary Good Archiving System in Place”

Here’s Why You Need a Scary Good Archiving System in Place

Maintaining compliance in your archiving strategy can be daunting. Plagued by constant data growth and the pertaining service requirements, IT departments and legal compliance teams are juggling the ability to retain, access, discover and supervise compliant content in a world of fast evolving regulations. Where would you even begin to troubleshoot? Consider the following nightmare as a prime example: Can...
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Featured image for ““123456” Once Again Claims Top Spot For Worst Password of The Year”

“123456” Once Again Claims Top Spot For Worst Password of The Year

Other poor choices include “password,” “princess,” “qwerty,” “iloveyou” and “welcome,” according to the 2019 list from SplashData. Admit it, you’ve used one of those known to be simple, hackable passwords at some stage of your life. It’s an understandable temptation, being quick and easy to remember. This would explain why so many people use bad passwords, while knowing better. Notably,...
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Featured image for “Cyber Security – How Safe is Your Business?”

Cyber Security – How Safe is Your Business?

We all know that cyber-crime is an ever increasing worldwide threat, one with a series of notable incidents occurring throughout 2019, which prove how easily a data breach can affect any organization or establishment. One of the most memorable hacks that occurred this year must be when Quest Diagnostics, a clinical laboratory announced, “that an unauthorized user had accessed data...
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Featured image for “Essential Settings for EOP and Office 365 ATP security”

Essential Settings for EOP and Office 365 ATP security

Techtron has been migrating to and managing Office 365 enviroments for some time now.  One of the most common scenarios we find is companies have left many of the security features set to default, which according to Microsoft and other leading experts is not recomended.  These settings are often neglected because everything seems to “just work” out of the box. ...
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