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Featured image for “Unify workplace collaboration”

Unify workplace collaboration

Microsoft Teams is the one-stop digital hub for teamwork—where teams can meet, call, and chat from anywhere. Subscribe here....
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Featured image for “Hello world!”

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!...
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Recommended SharePoint Naming Conventions

Moving to SharePoint has many advantages but there are a few things to take note of to ensure a smooth transition from your on-premise filer server to SharePoint. One of key elements to follow is a good naming convention. General Issue we face file or folder name are too long URLs have a limit of 256 characters. Folder and File...
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Making Azure Sentinel work for you

Microsoft Azure Sentinel is the first Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) solution built into a major public cloud platform that delivers intelligent security analytics across enterprise environments and offers automatic scalability to meet changing needs. This new white paper outlines best practice recommendations for configuring data sources for Azure Sentinel, using Azure Sentinel during incident response, and proactively hunting for threats...
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Quickly Connect to Windows VMs with RDP

You can quickly connect to an existing Windows Virtual Machine by navigating to the “Virtual Machine” blade in the Azure Portal. Once you are on the page, click the “Connect” button at the top of the page. It will prompt you to download an Remote Desktop Protocol (.rdp) file. After you click on it, then it will open the Remote...
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Azure Sentinel – What is it and why should I care?

The cloud offers advanced security Application and infrastructure security is extremely important to get right. There are many aspects to security, including closing and opening the right data ports and protecting data and accounts. Other aspects of security are probably more difficult to implement and use. These are the detection and handling of security incidents and threats. Azure Sentinel (opens new...
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Check for unsupported characters by Sharepoint/OneDrive and fix

When uploading multiple files and folders to OneDrive, you are more or less bound to run into problems with file names containing unsupported characters. This script will search the selected folder, and sub folders, for files and folders containing these characters. Background: When uploading multiple files and folders to OneDrive, you are more or less bound to run into problems...
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MS Teams Click to Dial

If you use MS Teams to make outgoing calls on a regular basis you will understand the pain of copying and pasting telephone numbers on a regular basis. I found this very helpful and free tool to resolve this problem. You can use the following link to download the tool: Teams Wizard Download For more information about the tool see...
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6 Ways to Keep Your WordPress Site Secure

More than 60 million sites depend on WordPress. Unfortunately, WordPress is also popular with hackers. To attack WordPress sites, hackers often exploit vulnerabilities found in the plugins that extend WordPress functionality. These attacks are becoming ever more common, and frequently end up affecting hundreds of thousands of sites. However, there are ways to minimize the risks involved in running a...
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Biggest Monitoring Mistake Companies Make

By far the biggest and most common mistake most companies make when it comes to security monitoring is they monitor too much. Just because you can does not mean you should. Modern IT systems create huge amounts of data and metrics to monitor, and most of the modern Security Incident & Event Management (SIEM) platforms are designed to hold large...
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Split Tunnel VPNs Improve Performance of Cloud Apps for Remote Workers

Split Tunnel VPNs Improve Performance of Cloud Apps for Remote Workers Virtual private networks (VPN) are still the mainstay for providing users with remote access to corporate resources when working from home. But with remote access networks under more strain due to the global health pandemic, many employees are experiencing poor performance of cloud-based apps. Performance issues are usually caused...
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Cybercriminals Actively Targeting Work-From-Home Employees By All Possible Means

In the wake of the COVID-19 global epidemic, organizations are forced to switch to Work From Home (WFH) strategies to keep their businesses running. And although this is not a new trend, especially in the IT industry, this time it is much different in terms of the scope and intensity. What is different now In majority organizations, almost the entire...
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