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4 Emerging Security Technologies

Call it a cat and mouse game or digital terror; but we know the ransomware and malware that have been developed and circulated by black hats are becoming more and more robust. The unfortunate truth is that this battle does not only exist in the realm of the black hats and white hats; it’s a tug of war that tarnishes...
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PnP Bitcoin Trial

Pick n Pay has collaborated with Luno and Electrum to pilot the Bitcoin payment programme. The PnP Bitcoin trial took place last month at Pick and Pay’s head office store in Cape Town. This trial was the first of its kind; and it is without a doubt that Pick and Pay is now a tech pioneer in the retail industry....
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Edge Computing – The Imminent Computing Future

We are on the brink of change. While most of processing is facilitated by things like CPUs and cloud computing; this technology is about to become accessible to the general population. With the creation of innovative devices like wearables, drones and self-driving cars, the closer we are to complete use of edge computing. This change, however, is not new. We’ve...
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Techtron helps improve effectiveness and efficiencies for on-the-go employees with Mobile Device Management

Techtron, based in Cape Town and focussing on Premium IT Support Solutions has expanded their service offerings to their clients with the roll-out of Mobile Device Management.  As today’s IT service management solutions need to account for mobile devices and on-the-go employees. This means you need solid mobile device management software that lets them be more productive by using their preferred...
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ICT develops young minds

For over a decade, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has been the topic of discussion in developing and developed countries. With the birth of various disruptive technologies and digitally-based occupations, ICT has made its mark and will continue to immerse itself in various industries to transform old norms and practices for both work-related and leisure activities. ICT integration has also...
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Backup and Sync App

Google is known for being a gamechanger and is always coming up with fresh new concepts that are made to make our lives simpler and more convenient. One of their latest apps combines Google Drive and Google Photos are just a few of the applications Google has made to make our lives easier. Normally, you’d have to save your important...
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Fast-Moving Cyberattacks

  Unlike physical attacks that begin and escalate over a period of time, cyberattacks take mere seconds. Recent global cyberattacks came as both a shock and a wake-up call when up to 99 countries, including South Africa, were held ransom to these computer-generated assaults. The world of technology and computers is changing and expanding every day which leads to a...
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4 ways to protect your business from data loss

A couple of weeks ago, hotels, universities, businesses and hospitals became the target of a series of cyber attacks. The repercussions were vast, putting many businesses and individuals at risk – and, where hospitals are concerned, even resulted in several deaths. Cyber attacks are not the only cause of data loss, though. Data loss can be a result of human...
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Cryptocurrency: what you need to know

Nowadays, all we’re hearing is bitcoin this and bitcoin that. But what actually is bitcoin and what’s so special about it? This article will enlighten you about cryptocurrency and how it all works. What is crypto-currency? Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency that is created from an encrypted code and a unique hash algorithm. It is a step in the evolution...
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South Africa and Disruptive Tech

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity” – Albert Einstein Maybe Einstein was onto something, maybe he was not. However, we do live in the digital age whether you agree or not; and you will find that what Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen talk about in The New Digital Age is very much a reality...
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How Technology in SA Drives ICT as a Key to South African Growth and Development

To adapt and compete in the current global economic conditions, South Africa will need an arsenal of skills to equip itself against the aggressive global competition. Information Communications Technology (ICT) is one those skills that are fundamental in growing, developing and equipping a country to compete with the economy giants. The ICT sector is one of SA’s crucial GDP contributors....
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Techtron earns distinction through demonstrated technology success and customer commitment

Techtron based in Cape Town and focussing on Premium IT Support Solutions today announced it has achieved Silver Small and Mid Market Cloud Solutions competency, demonstrating its ability to meet Microsoft customers’ evolving needs in today’s dynamic business environment....
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