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What You Need To Know About Managed Servers

What are servers? A server is a computer designed to process requests and deliver data to another computer over the internet or a local network.  Simply put, a server is a computer (or a computer program) that is the main component of a network. It manages access to the resources, files, programs and services used by all the other computers...
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Intel Computers security flaw places all phones and computers at risk

Earlier in 2018, security researchers disclosed a set of safety flaws that could potentially give hackers the opportunity to steal sensitive information from many modern computing devices. The devices that are most at risk are those that contain chips such as those from computing company, Intel, among others. Intel issued a statement insisting that this is not a design flaw,...
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Is your personal information safe?

Over 30 million people’s personal records have been stolen. The ‘masterdeeds’ data breach is South Africa’s biggest ever. Troy Hunt, the web security expert who dealt with this breach, said that it listed “almost every living person” in South Africa. This happened due to incompetence by the owner of the server. Regulatory penalties should apply to loss of data, however...
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The PoPI Act and what it means for you

The era we live in is continuously referred to as the “information age.” This is because of how easy it has become to access information. At the push of a button, information that would have required multiple visits to the library can be made available in seconds. The weather forecast, navigation routes, grocery store sales and even good holiday destinations...
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IoT Technology breaks ground to save the Rhino

The mission to save the Rhinos is one all South Africans should get behind. These majestic beasts and symbols of African power and strength are facing extinction because of the very misguided notion that their horns can make Chinese traditional medicine more effective. Because of this myth, the Rhinos are dying in droves. They are being massacred by poachers that...
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Social media life after death

In the 21st century, social media is a big part of people’s lives. From sharing photos to job applications to establishing relationships and communicating personal and professional information. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp are big aspects of modern culture. However, how many people have considered what happens to their social media accounts when they die? The thought can be...
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A Look Back on Cybersecurity in 2017

2017 has been quite a year for cyber-attacks, including: Equifax: A breach that led to the theft of personal information for hundreds of millions of US citizens. Shadow Brokers: A hacking group that sold Windows exploits they allegedly stole from the NSA. Google Docs: A sophisticated phishing scam that tried to compromise victims’ email accounts. WannaCry: A ransomware attack that...
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Huawei Routers Exploited to Create New Botnet

by Check Point Research Team posted 2017/12/21 A Zero-Day vulnerability in the Huawei home router HG532 has been discovered and hundreds of thousands of attempts to exploit it have already been found in the wild. The delivered payload has been identified as OKIRU/SATORI which is an updated variant of Mirai. The suspected threat actor behind the attack is an amateur nicknamed...
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What Is the difference between a Managed Application Server and Managed File Server?

Depending on the type of business you have, there are different types of servers to cater to your business requirements. There are different types of servers to consider including a managed application server, catering for web applications; as well as a managed file server, offering shared storage of computer files, like documents, images, databases and graphics. Managed Application Server In...
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Firewalls – Are they still important in 2018

With the access to the internet becoming increasingly necessary for companies to build connections and drive business, it is becoming more urgent to ensure that we protect our data and access to files from prying eyes. Security has become a necessity in the information age and firewalls are doing their best to protect us from malicious hackers and intruders. What...
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The Benefits of Managed Servers to Mid-Sized Businesses

In our previous instalment, we shared what managed servers are and why you should care?. Today we’re going to be discussing some of the key benefits of managed servers for your business. Recap: What are managed servers? A managed server is where server administration tasks are handled by a hosting provider. This means you have a team dedicated to monitoring...
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What Are Managed Servers and Why Should You Care?

With many companies offering a variety of managed and self-managed servers, it’s hard to know what your business needs to ensure that it performs at an optimal level. Questions regarding managed file servers and managed application servers often go unanswered. Habitually, the business will go with the cheaper option, the self-managed option. But as a result, operational costs are skyrocketed...
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