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Featured image for “Data loss could kill your business”

Data loss could kill your business

Skydiving is a thrilling experience: it could be exhilarating and fun, or (and we try not to think about this much) it could be dangerous and tragic. This is why skydivers have a primary parachute as well as a secondary chute, just in case the first one doesn’t function as desired. We have come to look at data backups in...
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Featured image for “5 Simple steps to spring clean your machine”

5 Simple steps to spring clean your machine

A slow pc or laptop can be frustrating and burn up time you don’t really have. Here are five simple, practical ways you can speed up your machine. 1.    Free up storage space Minimal memory space on your laptop or pc can slow it down considerably. There are several ways you can free up a few gigs on your local...
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Featured image for “Techtron services are now available in Gauteng”

Techtron services are now available in Gauteng

In an exciting development, Techtron’s services are now available to businesses in the Gauteng region. After an eight-year partnership with the IT Department, Techtron Computers has acquired the company to allow for an expansion of their services to Gauteng. Techtron’s quality promise in Gauteng Steven Sher, the general manager, is thrilled with the expansion and has reasserted the quality promise...
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Featured image for “Workplace privacy”

Workplace privacy

What you need to know about checking your employees’ emails Some may think that, as a manager, it is your responsibility to keep tabs on what your employees are using the various electronic communication channels at work for. Despite these good intentions to be proactive about your staff’s use of company resources, there are some points to consider before screening...
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Featured image for “Five frequently asked IT support questions”

Five frequently asked IT support questions

Become your own tech expert and solve these queries yourself Here are five of the most frequently asked IT support questions that are asked, what causes these issues and tips on how to solve them. The five biggest IT support queries tech companies get asked 1.      Why is my computer so slow? There could be a lot of causes for...
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Featured image for “Why POPI and GDPR are so important”

Why POPI and GDPR are so important

With an increasingly connected world, protecting personal information and data is crucial to any business. The POPI and GDPR Act have similar definitions, conditions and principles, with the GDPR being more extensive. POPI The Protection of Personal Information Act is a legislation designed to protect any personal information which is processed by both private and public bodies. As South Africa’s...
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Featured image for “How IoT devices increase your risk and how to mitigate it”

How IoT devices increase your risk and how to mitigate it

Whether at home or in business, the world of IoT (Internet of Things) devices and machines has become an integrated part of our daily lives and is expected to not only increase in presence, but to rapidly increase in uses. With IoT becoming more ingrained into everyday business and our personal lives, we are increasingly dependent on the data and...
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Featured image for “7 IT Security Risks in Small Businesses”

7 IT Security Risks in Small Businesses

Managing security for a small business can be more challenging than a large business because you might not have an entire IT department to take care of your security needs. Security attacks targeting small businesses are on the rise and discussed below are the ways that you can be affected. No data security policies Every business should make sure that...
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Featured image for “How to See Who’s Connected to Your Wi-Fi Network”

How to See Who’s Connected to Your Wi-Fi Network

Many devices connect to your Wi-Fi these days including laptops, smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, set-top boxes, game consoles, Wi-Fi printers, and more. Be aware of who and what is connected to your Wi-Fi by following the guide below. Use a third-party software to see who is connected and get alerts when a new device connects to your network. There are...
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Featured image for “Blog post: 7 Reasons Why it is Crucial to Back Up Your Data”

Blog post: 7 Reasons Why it is Crucial to Back Up Your Data

All businesses use computers and mobile devices to search data and store data. However, not all understand how important it is to back up your data. Below is a list explaining why it is critical to you and your business. Viruses do damage Files get deleted and infected because of viruses. It is important to protect your information by backing...
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Featured image for “How To Manage Email Messages in Microsoft Outlook Using Rules”

How To Manage Email Messages in Microsoft Outlook Using Rules

There is a way to manage email using Microsoft Outlook Mail Folders and Rules, but it is not always as obvious and easy as one would think. Here are some tips to help you organise your mail. Rules Use Outlook Rules to automatically categorise all emails and receive and move automated notifications to subfolders. You can also automatically move them...
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Featured image for “BYOD: The good, the bad and the uncertain”

BYOD: The good, the bad and the uncertain

Bring your own device (BYOD) is a great way to increase worker satisfaction and convenience. However, organisations must ensure that they are protected as well as their employees. With the progression of data protection, businesses should stay informed on the benefits, risks and insurance implications associated with employees using their own devices for work purposes. Benefits of BYOD include: Save...
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