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Featured image for “The Top 5 Benefits of Remote Network Monitoring”

The Top 5 Benefits of Remote Network Monitoring

What is remote network monitoring software? Are you always on-site and able to assist with any network issues? Unfortunately, business owners today are not able to be everywhere at the same time. Remote network monitoring software gives IT staff access to your network monitoring server from anywhere. With a remote monitoring tool, you can access your network maps, sub-maps, configuration...
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Featured image for “Why Your Business Needs IT Support”

Why Your Business Needs IT Support

We have previously written about the benefits of outsourcing your IT services and this blog will focus on the benefits once again, only now with a look at how, with each year, businesses are focusing on cutting costs and improving turnover. IT support, whether in-house or not, can leave you with bumps in the road or make the journey as...
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Featured image for “Self-Service Automated Password Reset Solution”

Self-Service Automated Password Reset Solution

Are you looking for a way to increase uptime and limit frustration caused by lost or forgotten passwords? It can end up costing you more if you don’t protect yourself. An automated and more secure reset service allows minimal downtime around passwords. Why does your business need it? Because password resetting is such a common occurrence, often IT technicians don’t...
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Featured image for “Password security is your security”

Password security is your security

Passwords are the barrier that prevents our most valuable information from ending up in a stranger’s hands. An IT security breach could happen to anyone at any time and Techtron’s Site Password Management service is the right solution for keeping your password details private.   What’s the solution? Techtron’s Site Password Management solution is here to save the day. The...
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Featured image for “Onsite backup or offsite backup?”

Onsite backup or offsite backup?

Why choose onsite data backup? Don’t be fooled by what used to be common backup practise. Using multiple discs, trying to manage a large external or paying for large servers., these are in the past. And although there have been developments and you might have your business’s computer system in order, there is always a possibility of an unexpected malfunction...
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Featured image for “New year, new computer care”

New year, new computer care

January is filled with so many things. Settling in, getting business in order, facing the fact that the next holiday isn’t for a few months. What a month it is. But apart from those, it is also a great time to re-evaluate the state of your computer, network and overall security and whether you are giving it the proper care...
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Featured image for “3 tips to keeping your PC safe”

3 tips to keeping your PC safe

Keeping our PC safe is something that we do daily. However, we often miss the simplest and most crucial steps. Read the tips below to make sure you are protecting your hardware as well as the data on your PC. 1. Check your firewall This is a very simple step, that often looks more complicated than it is. On a...
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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!...
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Featured image for “Block: Button”

Block: Button

Button blocks are not semantically buttons, but links inside a styled div.  If you do not add a link, a link tag without an anchor will be used. Check to make sure that the text wraps correctly when the button has more than one line of text, and when it is extra long. Buttons have three styles:  If the theme...
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Featured image for “Block: Columns”

Block: Columns

This page tests how the theme displays the columns block. The first block tests a two column block with paragraphs. This is the second column. It should align next to the first column. Reduce the browser window width to test the responsiveness. This is the second column block. It has 3 columns. Paragraph 2 is in the middle. Paragraph 3...
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Featured image for “Block: Quote”

Block: Quote

The quote block has two styles, regular: Gutenberg is more than an editor. The Gutenberg Team and large: Yes, it is a press, certainly, but a press from which shall flow in inexhaustible streams, the most abundant and most marvelous liquor that has ever flowed to relieve the thirst of men! Johannes Gutenberg The quote blocks themselves have no alignments but...
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Featured image for “The importance of clearing your cache and cookies”

The importance of clearing your cache and cookies

What is the cache? Whether you are looking at Facebook or shopping online, you are using a browser. There are many kinds of browsers, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer, if you have patience. What your browser does is hold onto information, and that information piles up in what is called a cache. Like your cell phone slowing down when...
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